路由# 321076470

借记 & 信用卡支持



Patelco在线™使其简单安全,全天候可用. 您可以:

  • 查询账户余额
  • 付款
  • 转移资金
  • 轻松查看和兑换奖励
  • 提出索赔或对指控提出异议
  • 设置警报
  • 如果你要旅行,请通知我们
  • 请求余额转账
  • 报失或被盗卡

今天就开始吧 Patelco在线™ >


采用非接触式技术的信用卡和借记卡提供了一种安全的, 快速和简单的方式为您支付购买. 很简单,只要点一下就行了!   联系less payments use short-range proximity technology to securely complete payments between a contactless card and a contactless-enabled checkout terminal. When you tap your contactless card at the checkout terminal your payment is sent for authorization just like it does when you swipe your card or insert the chip in the terminal.


  • Look for the 联系less Symbol on your card to know if your card has the technology to make contactless payments.

    快速. 联系less payments are fast and convenient to use in places where you need to pay on the go. 简单的. 联系less payments are easy to make since all you have to do is tap your card on the checkout terminal. 安全. 联系less payments are secure because each transaction is completed with a one-time security code that protects your payment information. 而且,卡是你的.

    是的. 如果你没有看到非接触式标志, you can still use your contactless card at a payment terminal by inserting your card chip first or by swiping the magnetic strip.

    是的. 使用非接触式卡支付是安全可靠的.

    • 就像芯片卡一样, each transaction uses a one-time security code that securely protects your payment information.
    • You won’t make payments on accident – your card must be within 1-2 inches of the terminal for the transaction to occur (and you won’t be billed twice, 即使你不小心点了两次)

    When your card comes close to expiration, we will automatically send you a new contactless card. 如果你想在这段时间外办一张新卡, you can request a replacement card by visiting one of our branches or by contacting us.


学习如何激活您的卡, 如果丢了锁上, notify us if you’re travelling and more with these convenient card management features.


Add your Patelco credit and 借记 cards to the digital wallet of your choice: Apple Pay, 谷歌支付或三星支付. 然后,你可以简单地用手机付款.



如果你看到一个你不认识的收费或购买有问题, 你可以提交信用证, 借记, 自动取款机, 或保险公司卡纠纷或索赔在60天内出现在你的对账单上.

很多次, 有争议的费用是您可能不认识或不记得的合法购买, so we recommend reviewing your recent receipts or 在线 shopping emails before you file a claim.

The easiest and fastest way to submit a card dispute is in Patelco在线™ or the Patelco 手机应用程序. 登录后, 轻按或点击交易的账户, 轻按或单击选择交易, 然后选择 争端. 我们鼓励你在网上提交,但你也可以太阳集团平台.



我们在信用卡和借记卡上增加了一层新的安全措施, 特别适用于持卡人在网上购物. 对于某些交易, onetime passcodes sent to your mobile phone will help us make sure your transactions belong to you.

下面是它的工作原理: A passcode request will pop up during certain 在线 transactions when our system detects the need for additional security. 如果您收到请求, 检查你的手机是否有包含密码的短信, 然后在网上提示的地方输入. 如果您没有输入正确的密码,您的交易将无法进行.

一次性密码不适用于大多数交易, 所以,如果你没有收到请求,不要感到惊讶. 如果你真的看到了, rest assured that this extra authentication step is just a sign that our security measures are working to keep your accounts safe. 查看一次性密码 条款及详情 to 了解更多.

If you’re having difficulty with a transaction where a onetime passcode is requested, 直接与我们联络: 800.358.8228 寻求帮助.




  • 确保你的联系方式是最新的 Patelco在线™,或者拨打800.358.8228 or 参观当地分行.
  • 通知我们最简单的方式就是加入 Patelco在线™. 登录, 然后将鼠标悬停在主菜单中的卡片服务上, 然后进入卡管理,为您帐户上的每张卡设置旅行通知.


Paying off high interest rate 信用卡s with your Patelco card is a simple way to consolidate your debt into one manageable payment. 此外,申请转账不需要额外收费,流程也很简单.


  1. 登录到 Patelco在线™
  2. 将鼠标悬停在主菜单上 卡服务
  3. Select 资产转移
  4. 回答几个问题,然后选择 提交


您可以通过选择查看您的转移状态 卡服务 那就从主菜单开始吧 资产转移,然后 查看提交的表格.



  1. 打开一个有奖励资格的 Patelco信用卡.
  2. 对于符合条件的卡,Patelco奖励是自动注册的.
  3. 累积积分与您的购买. 有些卡甚至在某些消费上提供双倍积分.
  4. 兑换您的Patelco奖励积分通过 Patelco在线™.


  • Points can be used for travel, merchandise, gift cards or cash credit to your account
  • 积分可兑换成价值$的现金.01分.
  • 积分永不过期.

查看您当前的奖励选项 Patelco在线™. 登录时,转到 卡服务 菜单,然后选择 奖励 访问您的奖励帐户.


    现金回你的帕特尔科支票或储蓄账户, 声明信贷, 旅行(包括航班), 租车, 活动, 酒店 & 活动),商品和礼品卡的主要零售商. The 奖励 catalog changes periodically with new offers and seasonal promotions so check back often!

    如果你有关于帕特尔科奖励的问题, 或者你想通过电话兑换你的帕特尔科奖励, 你可以打800给我们.358.8228,分机1303,要接奖励中心.

万事达卡概述 ® 好处

你的Patelco万事达信用卡 ® 借记卡或信用卡自然会带来很多好处.

好处 纯粹的万事达卡 ® 进步的学生
奖励万事达卡 ®
奖励万事达卡 ®
万事达卡 ® ID
访问 & 生活方式的好处
手机保护 1    
豪华酒店 & 度假村项目

万事达卡® 福利详情


零责任保障: You don’t have to worry when you use your 万事达卡 card because it’s covered by Zero Liability protection, 是否在店内付款, 在线, 或者通过电话. 作为一个万事达卡持卡人, you’re not responsible in the event that someone makes unauthorized purchases with your card. 某些条件和例外情况适用1.

万事达卡身份盗窃保护:检测并帮助快速解决身份盗窃事件,无需额外费用. From scouring the internet to see if your personal info is being sold to helping you clear your name with credit rating agencies, 我们全天候为您服务. 简单的访问 mastercardus.idprotection在线.com 或拨打800.万事达卡.


万事达卡全球服务:提供24小时服务, 每周7天会员服务协助丢失和被盗卡报告, 和紧急现金预支, 并协助定位自动取款机.


无价的®城市: Get insider access to one-of-a-kind experiences and offers in some of the world’s most exciting cities.

高尔夫特权: 出入私人会所, 节省公共球场和度假村的费用, 首选定价, exclusive programs and preferred booking opportunities on TOURAcademy® programs nationwide.

ShopRunner: 作为持有万事达卡的会员® 世界或世界精英信用卡, you will receive free 2-day shipping and free return shipping at over 140 different stores when you enroll at shoprunner.com/mastercard.


网上订票工具: 发现一个方便的方式预订酒店,航班,和汽车租赁在线.

机场接待: 安排私人会面, 专门的迎宾服务人员将在您出发时护送您穿过机场, 到来, 还有转机吗?, 24/7/365在全球超过450个目的地.

onefinestay: 在onefinestay使用促销码MC10预订可享9折优惠, 哪家酒店提供带酒店设施的度假屋 onefinestay.com/mastercard.

私人旅游顾问: 经验丰富的旅行顾问协助制定详细的旅行计划, 建议, 并获得高质量, 高价值的度假选择在世界各地.

豪华酒店及度假村项目: Enjoy the perfect accommodation from a unique collection of exceptional 酒店 and resorts with a room upgrade**, 延迟退房**,每日2人免费早餐**独家设施**等等.

巡航计划*: Enjoy exceptional World benefits and savings on a global fleet of luxury cruise ships, 大型游艇和精品内河船.

关于Patelco借记卡万事达卡的常见问题® 或Patelco万事达信用卡® 信用卡

1 作为一个万事达卡持卡人, you will not be held responsible for unauthorized transactions if: (1) you have used reasonable care in protecting your card from loss or theft; and (2) you have promptly reported to your financial institution when you knew that your 万事达卡 was lost or stolen.

If you believe there has been unauthorized use on your account and you meet the conditions above, 放心吧,你有零责任保护. Zero Liability does not apply to the following 万事达卡 payment cards: commercial cards, 未注册预付卡或礼品卡.

If you have questions regarding Zero Liability coverage or you suspect unauthorized use of your card, 立即与您的金融机构联系.


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